Barry Cottrell - Artist, Researcher & Writer

I am a researcher and writer exploring the nature of consciousness; I have written about shamanic spirituality and the restoration of our earth awareness. My book The Way Beyond The Shaman: Birthing A New Earth Consciousness was published by O Books/Moon Books in 2008. In 2021 a 2nd slightly revised edition was published by drivenLine. For more about this book and other books published by drivenLine go to To order a signed copy of this book, please CONTACT ME by email (click below). For other articles, books, papers, reviews by Barry Cottrell, see:

I am also an artist-printmaker and have specialised in the art of burin engraving on copper. Printmaking has been my key to unlock the riches of the imagination for over forty years. I have exhibited widely in the UK and overseas. Home is in Oxfordshire on the edge of the Cotswolds. For artwork and more see: and artist's statement.